(814) 503-0865
1061 Treasure Lake • DuBois, PA 15801


To share the love of Christ with caregivers of children with special needs by offering weekend retreats and community resources. Empowering caregivers will improve their mental, physical, and spiritual health to continue caring for their loved ones. 

Our Vision:

Cohen’s Purpose, Inc. wants to empower caregivers of the special needs community by providing complimentary weekend retreats to rest, learn, and grow a deeper connection with God, their loved ones, and themselves. We want caregivers to come away feeling restored, loved, and connected. We stand by our core values of faith, inclusion, compassion, and integrity. We pray that caregivers will leave feeling loved by God and knowing that what they do matters. 

Caregiving can be difficult, but it is even more challenging when special needs caregivers try to pour from an empty cup. Caregivers work diligently fighting insurance companies for special equipment and medication approvals while advocating for inclusion, support, education, and accessibility. We want caregivers to take this time to relax and reconnect so they may return home refreshed and ready to continue caring for their loved ones.